Python String Formatting

Python String Formatting

Hi, we will examine the issue of string formatting in Python.We can provide user side output with many different methods. There are many different methods. let's start Example student object…
Python Bool Operators

Python Bool Operators

We can split Boolean Operators to 3. and or not However, membership operators are divided into 2 in not in Let's look at the examples print(True and True) # True…
Python Comporasion Operators

Python Comporasion Operators

These operators can differently check whether they are logically correct or incorrect. Let me show you what I want to say. In the table below, sample variables are as follows:…
Arithmetics Operators

Arithmetics Operators

Operators used to perform basic mathematical operations.We can list as follows NameOperatorExampleAddition+no1 + no2Substraction-no1 - no2Multiplication*no1 * no2Division/no1 / no2Modulus%no1 % no2Exponentiation**no1 ** no2Floor Division//no1 // no2
Python sep end parameter

Python sep end parameter

In the print function, the purpose of the sep is to separate the values ​​in the parameters with a certain format. print(1,2,3,4,5,6,sep="*") #1*2*3*4*5*6 print(1,2,3,4,5,6,sep="/") #1/2/3/4/5/6 the end is for the…
Python Complex Numbers

Python Complex Numbers

Basically, it takes 2 parameters on complex numbers. In standard use. The real (i) and imaginary (j) part. Let's look at a topic like this, if we say a +…