It is a general element about the use of checkbox element, which can be used in almost every application.
I will simply make an example.
You have seen the checkbox like “Do you accept the contract in the member registration forms?” I will do something similar.
This is how we create a checkbox
self.cbox = QCheckBox("I accept the Terms and Conditions and the Data policy")
I will then check in this way whether this is selected or not.
Source code
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * import sys W_WIDTH = 400 W_HEIGHT = 250 W_X = 400 W_Y = 150 class MainFrame(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.init() def init(self): self.text_edit = QPlainTextEdit("Rule 1 : .....\nRule 2 : .....\nRule 3 : .....") self.cbox = QCheckBox("I accept the Terms and Conditions and the Data policy") self.register_button = QPushButton("Register") #result label self.result_label = QLabel("") my_vertical_layout = QVBoxLayout() my_vertical_layout.addWidget(self.text_edit) my_vertical_layout.addWidget(self.cbox) my_vertical_layout.addWidget(self.register_button) my_vertical_layout.addWidget(self.result_label) self.register_button.clicked.connect(self.controlAgreement) self.setGeometry(W_WIDTH, W_HEIGHT, W_X, W_Y) self.setLayout(my_vertical_layout) self.setWindowTitle("www.langpy.com | Python GUI Tutorial") self.show() def controlAgreement(self): if self.cbox.isChecked(): self.result_label.setText("Registration completed successfully") else: self.result_label.setText("You must accept the agreement") app = QApplication(sys.argv) win = MainFrame() sys.exit(app.exec_())